Friday, January 30, 2009
Donna, Donna, Donna
Since this all began I've been waiting for one thing - to look Donna in the eye and have her say - Hi Darlene. Well, she did that tonight - I walked in the room and she said "Well, Darlene". I have to tell you, I was blown away and thought, finally, she's back. Then, when my daughter Kylie arrived, Donna also said - "Well, Darlene" and when I asked Donna to tell me her name she said - after considerable thought and quite proudly - Darlene. Okay, it's not exactly how I imagined it would be but obviously she has my name on her mind.
Tonight she also had a real dinner, it was rice, peas and carrots, some sort of finely chopped meat (maybe roast beef), pears, peaches, a roll and ice tea. She really liked the roll, smeared with butter and the ice tea. She ate just a little and then the fun began. Donna was very animated - laughing out loud her shoulders were shaking from laughing so hard, making funny faces, rolling her eyes, making funny noises and just being very silly. It was a Donna we've never seen and it was very entertaining. The nurse came in to give her a pill (it's the one used to prevent heart fluctuation, protocol after heart surgery). Nurse Posey finely crushed the tablet in applesauce and Donna didn't find this concoction the least bit interesting. In fact she hated it and began making faces and sassing the nurse behind her back. She said a few words that were hard to catch but her intent was clear - this nurse was really annoying her tonight. The young, sweet and equally amused Nurse Posey worked with Donna to get her to eat the pill laden applesauce while we all got tickled and found it hard to quit laughing. Were we laughing with Donna or at Donna? You'll have to decide for yourself. We can't wait to see what tomorrow brings, stay tuned.
Tonight she also had a real dinner, it was rice, peas and carrots, some sort of finely chopped meat (maybe roast beef), pears, peaches, a roll and ice tea. She really liked the roll, smeared with butter and the ice tea. She ate just a little and then the fun began. Donna was very animated - laughing out loud her shoulders were shaking from laughing so hard, making funny faces, rolling her eyes, making funny noises and just being very silly. It was a Donna we've never seen and it was very entertaining. The nurse came in to give her a pill (it's the one used to prevent heart fluctuation, protocol after heart surgery). Nurse Posey finely crushed the tablet in applesauce and Donna didn't find this concoction the least bit interesting. In fact she hated it and began making faces and sassing the nurse behind her back. She said a few words that were hard to catch but her intent was clear - this nurse was really annoying her tonight. The young, sweet and equally amused Nurse Posey worked with Donna to get her to eat the pill laden applesauce while we all got tickled and found it hard to quit laughing. Were we laughing with Donna or at Donna? You'll have to decide for yourself. We can't wait to see what tomorrow brings, stay tuned.
SILLY Donna! January 30, 2009
We got Silly Donna tonight! Darlene, Joseph, and I went to see Donna tonight. She is laughing and laughing and laughing.
The nurse gave her some medication crushed with applesauce. She did not like that. Nor the nurse after that. Her looks were priceless tonight. I think she has been practicing to go on broadway! Everytime the nurse left she would lift her eyelids and roll her eyes, and give a silly LOOK towards the nurse! We told Donna that the nurse would look after her tonight, and we got more crazy silly looks! The nurse entertained her!
Her vocabulary is improving each day. She clearly knows her sister and can state Darlene's name. She can recognize Darlene in a picture too.
She has not been sleeping too well, so they had to give her some medication to help her sleep tonight. It can be very tough to sleep in the ICU with all the machines and lights, and people checking on you.
The nurse gave her some medication crushed with applesauce. She did not like that. Nor the nurse after that. Her looks were priceless tonight. I think she has been practicing to go on broadway! Everytime the nurse left she would lift her eyelids and roll her eyes, and give a silly LOOK towards the nurse! We told Donna that the nurse would look after her tonight, and we got more crazy silly looks! The nurse entertained her!
Her vocabulary is improving each day. She clearly knows her sister and can state Darlene's name. She can recognize Darlene in a picture too.
She has not been sleeping too well, so they had to give her some medication to help her sleep tonight. It can be very tough to sleep in the ICU with all the machines and lights, and people checking on you.
She eats REAL food today !
Hooray, hooray - she passed her "swallow test" and gets to eat real food today. Poor girl must be starving, but no longer. I'm not sure what her first food will be but hopefully something wonderful and yummy!
Last night Donna was talking more, but still not able to complete sentences. She can only go so far with her thoughts but is getting closer and closer. One thing was for sure, when we were ready to leave, she was ready to leave with us. She threw the sheet off her legs as if to get up and go but she wasn't upset when we left.
We made small posters for her with pictures of her immediate family - kids, brother, sister, mother, dad, etc. and until yesterday she wasn't interested in looking at them. This morning Louie reports that she is not only interested she actually named two people! Right now she is carefully examining some new cards that arrived in the morning mail. She is content just to look at the envelopes but Louie says he will open them soon and they will look at each one closely. Then they will be hung up on "the card wall" which is growing each day. (I'll try to take a picture and post it here.) Keep those cards and pictures coming, still no flowers or plants allowed.
Louie will return to California today to catch up on the home front, returning next Thursday. Meanwhile we will keep Donna entertained and continue to report her progress !
Last night Donna was talking more, but still not able to complete sentences. She can only go so far with her thoughts but is getting closer and closer. One thing was for sure, when we were ready to leave, she was ready to leave with us. She threw the sheet off her legs as if to get up and go but she wasn't upset when we left.
We made small posters for her with pictures of her immediate family - kids, brother, sister, mother, dad, etc. and until yesterday she wasn't interested in looking at them. This morning Louie reports that she is not only interested she actually named two people! Right now she is carefully examining some new cards that arrived in the morning mail. She is content just to look at the envelopes but Louie says he will open them soon and they will look at each one closely. Then they will be hung up on "the card wall" which is growing each day. (I'll try to take a picture and post it here.) Keep those cards and pictures coming, still no flowers or plants allowed.
Louie will return to California today to catch up on the home front, returning next Thursday. Meanwhile we will keep Donna entertained and continue to report her progress !
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Donna wants to get out of BED !
Donna is NOT happy! She wants out of bed - she is letting Louie know that she wants to get up ! He isn't going to do that, without help, because she is still wired for sound but he is certain of one thing - she is tired of being in bed.
Donna improves
Louie has been with Donna today and reports - the hospital will soon be scheduling the Barium Swallow Test to determine her swallowing reflexes. The doctors have NOT rescheduled the insertion of the peg tube. This is good news - she may be able to swallow on her own and will soon get to eat REAL FOOD! Also, the physical therapist had her standing and made her take two steps on her own - another victory !
Erik sent lots of family photos and she'll get them later this afternoon - they show Donna and all her family enjoying skiing, Erik's graduation and more. Becky Nava sent photos too so soon we'll have her room filled with cards and pictures! Keep them coming.
They moved her to a new room, to condense the ICU patient rooms. Last night the doctor said her progression would be - ICU, a regular room, then a skilled-nursing unit - which is in the hospital. In this last step she will get very intense workouts from the speech, occupational and physical therapists. Prediction is - 3-4 more weeks in the hospital, then home to California.
Her voice is becoming stronger, her words are coming faster but in no particular order yet - just a stream of words but that's a good sign !
Erik sent lots of family photos and she'll get them later this afternoon - they show Donna and all her family enjoying skiing, Erik's graduation and more. Becky Nava sent photos too so soon we'll have her room filled with cards and pictures! Keep them coming.
They moved her to a new room, to condense the ICU patient rooms. Last night the doctor said her progression would be - ICU, a regular room, then a skilled-nursing unit - which is in the hospital. In this last step she will get very intense workouts from the speech, occupational and physical therapists. Prediction is - 3-4 more weeks in the hospital, then home to California.
Her voice is becoming stronger, her words are coming faster but in no particular order yet - just a stream of words but that's a good sign !
The latest
So much to say - last night we visited Donna and she was fidgety, didn't act like she wanted company and we (mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law and Louie) all agreed she was probably tired.
Earlier I mentioned that she had pulled that darn feeding tube from her nose and it was still out when we arrived. So no dinner for her. She is still interested in the little red light on her finger that monitors her pulse, can't seem to figure out why her finger is glowing red. It seemed like she wanted to say something when the doctor dropped by to check on her but she just couldn't do it. Good news is that it didn't seem to upset her.
This morning it was on the schedule to insert a peg tube, to feed her through her stomach but just a moment ago Louie said they have postponed this. He also said that when she was given an ice chip she was able to manage it and swallow. Maybe they are postponing the peg tube procedure because they will try to let her eat on her own? More on that later.
Today finds her speaking more, her voice is getting stronger. She is throwing out words like - drink, juice and paycheck. Just random words but obviously she is thinking and wanting to communicate. Everyday brings new developments !
Earlier I mentioned that she had pulled that darn feeding tube from her nose and it was still out when we arrived. So no dinner for her. She is still interested in the little red light on her finger that monitors her pulse, can't seem to figure out why her finger is glowing red. It seemed like she wanted to say something when the doctor dropped by to check on her but she just couldn't do it. Good news is that it didn't seem to upset her.
This morning it was on the schedule to insert a peg tube, to feed her through her stomach but just a moment ago Louie said they have postponed this. He also said that when she was given an ice chip she was able to manage it and swallow. Maybe they are postponing the peg tube procedure because they will try to let her eat on her own? More on that later.
Today finds her speaking more, her voice is getting stronger. She is throwing out words like - drink, juice and paycheck. Just random words but obviously she is thinking and wanting to communicate. Everyday brings new developments !
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Please feel free to pass this Blog and Email to any friends and family of Donna. If they would send a short email we can add them to the update group.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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We made an e-mail group that invites you to receive automatic e-mails when posts are made.
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Thank you,
You MAY have to accept this invitation or it should just show up in your in-box. Please let us know if it is not working in the next few posts.
Thank you,
She stands up !
The physical therapist made Donna stand up today and she did (no walking yet) for a few minutes. However, it was reported that she was none to happy about this and said what we think is her first real expression since this all began. She said - SHIT ! (Apparently there was no mistaking her word.)
And then............................................................... she pulled that darn feeding tube out of her nose again. The nurses/doctors are having a difficult time getting this back in so they are considering inserting it in her stomach now.
And then............................................................... she pulled that darn feeding tube out of her nose again. The nurses/doctors are having a difficult time getting this back in so they are considering inserting it in her stomach now.
January 28, afternoon update
We had ice/snow last night in Memphis! It was beautiful to look out over the lake and see the geese swimming in the water with a white winter wonderland all around them ! Once the streets warmed up a bit Louie went to the hospital to check on Donna. He found her to be very awake and working with the physical therapist followed by the speech therapist and an occupational therapist. Her right hand continues to be very weak but she can move her right arm. Good news - the drainage tubes were finally removed from her stomach! She remains very congested, deep within her chest and coughing is painful for her. Her right leg seems to be responding to the blood thinner, it was not showing a pulse and was cold to the touch but today it is warm and there is a pulse - so the medication worked ! Unfortunately she still doesn't recognize us - although you can tell by her expression that she is working hard to clear the fog !
We visited with Donna last night and found her to be in good spirits, a little tired. She actually smiled for the camera upon request, I'll be posting a picture of her this morning. She is now able to whisper a few words such as yeah, uh-huh, no and sure. This was pretty exciting! When asked to show us her mouth (it's been really sore from the ventilator) she quickly showed us her teeth and when asked to stick out her tongue - she had a little trouble but eventually managed that too. She doesn't know my name, or anyone else's for that matter but is definitely making good progress. Her vital signs remain strong, she is still physically weak but they get her out of bed and in a chair for several hours each day. She is already working with a physical therapist and speech therapist too. Her infectious disease doctor (managing her very serious bacterial infection) says he may want to keep her for another month. She still has drainage tubes in her stomach and is being fed via a tube in the nose. Of course she is still in ICU so, please no flowers but cards and pictures are very welcome! Keep praying, it's working !!!!!!
We visited with Donna last night and found her to be in good spirits, a little tired. She actually smiled for the camera upon request, I'll be posting a picture of her this morning. She is now able to whisper a few words such as yeah, uh-huh, no and sure. This was pretty exciting! When asked to show us her mouth (it's been really sore from the ventilator) she quickly showed us her teeth and when asked to stick out her tongue - she had a little trouble but eventually managed that too. She doesn't know my name, or anyone else's for that matter but is definitely making good progress. Her vital signs remain strong, she is still physically weak but they get her out of bed and in a chair for several hours each day. She is already working with a physical therapist and speech therapist too. Her infectious disease doctor (managing her very serious bacterial infection) says he may want to keep her for another month. She still has drainage tubes in her stomach and is being fed via a tube in the nose. Of course she is still in ICU so, please no flowers but cards and pictures are very welcome! Keep praying, it's working !!!!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Please e-mail them to or
send them to her sister's house at
Darlene Jones
148 W Viking Drive
Cordova, TN 38018
Also, please do not send flowers or items to the hospital as she is unable to have them in her room. If you would like to send something to the above address, Louie and her family will receive it there.
Thank you again.
Prayers For Donna-Tuesday 1/27 3pm
Louie called to let us know her white blood cell count is up. Her fever spiked yesterday but has gone back down. We are very concerned right now was there is new danger that her new heart valve could be infected.
She may also have a blood clot in her leg and are watching this very closely.
She pulled her feeding tube out of her nose this morning (which is good that she can respond to pain and when uncomfortable) but because it took 5 tries to get it down the first time. It is reinserted now. :)
They tried giving her ice chips to watch her swallowing reflex (to be able to eat real food) but have not determined anything yet. It is do soon to do a barium test to know all of her swallowing capabilities yet.
They have done another echo cardiogram on her heart, no results yet, but all of her vitals are good (pressure, pulse, etc.).
She may also have a blood clot in her leg and are watching this very closely.
She pulled her feeding tube out of her nose this morning (which is good that she can respond to pain and when uncomfortable) but because it took 5 tries to get it down the first time. It is reinserted now. :)
They tried giving her ice chips to watch her swallowing reflex (to be able to eat real food) but have not determined anything yet. It is do soon to do a barium test to know all of her swallowing capabilities yet.
They have done another echo cardiogram on her heart, no results yet, but all of her vitals are good (pressure, pulse, etc.).
Tuesday 1/27
Her sister Darlene spend about 1.5 hours with her last night. On one hand she acts like she is listening and understanding-on the other she seems fixated on lights on machines she is connected to. She smiled when talking to her niece Kacie on the phone today but also turned away after a minute of listening. Her arms seem to be still flailing but when Darlene left and said goodbye she raised her arm and waved by back. This is very good.
Progress Over the Weekend 1/26
We are still waiting for Donna to strengthen in every way after the surgery. Donna smiled at us last night, well it was enough of a smile to recognize it as one. She doesn't understand but she is shaking her head yes and no. She is definitely trying to understand and is working really hard to do so. She has no use of her right hand but can move her right arm. She is not able to sit up on her own and when sitting in a chair she has been leaning to the right. She is not able to speak or swallow yet. This may be because of all of the tubes needed for draining the lungs, breathing, and during surgery. Her mouth and lips have also been in bad condition because of this-her mouth has a hole in it and extra skin. They have not been able to get a tube down her nose, they think she may have a deviated septum so they may have to do a peg feed tube but aren't sure yet. She does not like the nurses messing with her mouth and has been coughing (noise is good) but they have still needed some tubes to continue draining her lungs. Her arms have been flailing some but she has reached to push them down with her left arm which has seemed "intentional."
The weekend was more slow as we waited for surgery recovery and medicines to work. More doctors will meet today and have already noted that she will need lots of therapy.
We are trying to keep a positive outlook on everything. We will try to answer your questions or give more details as we are able. Your postings and well wishes here is the best way to let her whole family know how much you are thinking of her.
Thank you.
The weekend was more slow as we waited for surgery recovery and medicines to work. More doctors will meet today and have already noted that she will need lots of therapy.
We are trying to keep a positive outlook on everything. We will try to answer your questions or give more details as we are able. Your postings and well wishes here is the best way to let her whole family know how much you are thinking of her.
Thank you.
Heart Surgery on 1/22
Donna had been on antibiotics, respirator, and several medications to help rid the infections. After Donna was she strong enough and some of the fluid in her lungs had gone down. She was able to have surgery on her mitral valve (heart) to remove the bacteria (golf ball size). The surgery went as well as it could have-which means her body handled it well and she is awake. It was determined that the (Enbolic) stroke has effected the back left side of her brain, the communication piece. The neurologist and doctors have not determined how much this has effected her brain and body at this point. This means she is currently unable to recognize faces, speak, or communicate. There are more side effects because of the strokes and infections as she is experiencing paralysis on her right side. Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers and we will continue to update you. If you would like to add your e-mail address to this blog please paste it in the comments section and you will receive an e-mail every time we make a new post.
Admitted to Hospital
Donna had been complaining of back pain for several weeks. She went to the doctor and had some test. They thought she had inflamed disks but the medicine was making her sick. She flew to Memphis for her niece's wedding but was unable to attend to do this pain. The next morning she was feeling somewhat better but started to shake when out to brunch with her family. She was rushed to the ER on Monday 1/19 where they thought she may be dehydrated but things quickly worsened. The extremely short version of several days determined she had bacteria growing on her heart causing a big stroke and several smaller ones. Some of the bacteria had broken off from her heart and attached itself to her back (causing the disc pain). There have been many complications such as needing a respirator, her lungs filling with fluid and infections because of this bacteria. Because of the wedding, Donna's husband Louie, kids Kirsten and Erik and many family members have been at her side day and night. Her older sister Darlene, Donna's parents, and other extended family all live in Memphis and are helping care for her, Louie and one another.
Donna's Family Wants to Update Everyone
Dear loved ones,
Many concerned people who love and care for Donna are asking for updates. Her family is trying to let everyone know what is going on as they learn more. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.
Donna's Family
Many concerned people who love and care for Donna are asking for updates. Her family is trying to let everyone know what is going on as they learn more. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.
Donna's Family
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