Thursday, March 26, 2009

Coming Home

Donna was released from the hospital late yesterday afternoon!!!! She and Louie are staying with her parents until they are ready to make the trip home. Louie says the plan is to return to California next week, they haven't made the reservations yet.

Many people have called, e-mailed and offered to coordinate meals, visitors and so on which is wonderful. It sounds like we have plenty of people to cover all the bases. As soon as we get this organized I will post all the details for you.

Like we've said before - once again it's time to say prayers, call on the spirits, keep your fingers crossed or whatever it is you do to give her the strength she needs now. We believe that the worst is all behind her and hope that she stays healthy and strong enough to make that trip home. She can't wait ! !


  1. Wahoo! The day has finally come. We look forward to seeing and helping Donna and Louie when they arrive home. God is faithful! Again, everyone wants to thank you Darlene and family for all your love and support you have been to Donna and Louie. You have been true angels! You have truly blessed us all! We want you for our family! May God bless you richly as you have so richly blessed others! We pray we can be as effective as you have been with Donna! Take care and keep in touch. Love to you all! Tim, Linda and Cory

  2. Yeah!!!

    The Porterville people are cheering you on!! Come home when your body says you are ready and we're ready to help any way we can.

    An extra big thank you to Darlene for all you have done to keep us informed. We appreciate it. Cheri

  3. What GREAT news. Coming "home" to California will give us even MORE JOY and Gratitude during the Easter celebrations. I am sure the Califonia family will breathe a sigh of relief. Blessings to all of you from the CBI class.

  4. So happy for you Donna and Louie. I feel certain that you'll make it back this time. See you both when the time is good. Love you both. Penny

  5. Really happy for you Donna and Louie and all your family. I am praying for you to come home safely and to get your strength and heal. God loves us and he will comfort and guide your body to heal. Tell Louie to give you a hug from me....
    Love always....
    Rachel in Visalia

  6. HI ALL
    Great news. will be waiting for your return.
    Darlene you did a great job keeping us informed now it will be out job keeping you informed on Donna's progress. Looking forward seeing them both.
    love big sis (cathy)

  7. That is good news. Who ever thought getting back to the same old normal routine would sound so good.. be safe in your traveling. I too would like to thank Darlene for letting us all know how things were going, without us having to invade your space...
    You've both been in my prayers all along.

    Charlotte, NC
