Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Brief Update

I just wanted to let you all know that Donna continues to do well and is enjoying all the meals that everyone is providing.  Thank You, Thank You!  She looks fantastic as you can now tell by the picture. Yeah - Louie looks great too! She is sporting her fresh haircut. She saw the Dr. yesterday - mainly so that her regular Dr. is updated on all her health history.  She has already started Physical Therapy and will begin Speech Therapy next week.  She continues to move upward and onward! 


  1. Great picture. Good to see Donna up and happy again :)

  2. Great picture!! Donna looks great!!! Thank you so much for posting. I love you Aunt Donna!! :) :)

  3. No doubt about it. Donna, you look fantastic! For those of us who aren't able to see you yet, it's great to get this picture.
    Love you, girlfriend!
    Continue to work hard and get stronger.

  4. HI, Donna! I have been keeping tabs on you via Beckie and am soooo glad you are doing well! Am looking forward to seeing you at the Boz concert in a few weeks! You look great!
    Tina Pixler (Beckie's friend and fellow Bon Jovi lover..)

  5. Hi Donna,
    Good to see you looking so good. I've been following this blog, and I'm so grateful to your family for keeping it up to date. You look wonderful. We're pulling for you down here in Porterville!

  6. How wonderful you look! Can't wait to see your smiling face in person soon.

  7. Donna, In case you get a break from therapy and could stand the attention, Friday April 24th is Special Olympics in Tulare. Also the High School/CBI Picnic is May 14th at Mooney Grove. On the same day is the CAC lunchoen at the Holiday Inn.
    We got your thank you card and shared it with the class. Gratitude has gone full circle and we are very thankful for your continued recovery at home.

  8. Donna,
    You look Great! I went to OTP today and Hilda and Donna C. told me you came by the office and were doing amazing!! So glad you are continuing to recover. Continued blessings everyone at El D misses you terribly!!!
    Lori Collins

  9. Hey Donna....

    Been following your progress from over here in Hawaii after hearing about your adventure....so, what do you think about outpatient sptx....my patients tell me it was the hardest work they ever did...next to physical therapy!! Well, you are looking GREAT. Before you know it you will be posting all the good new from your end yourself. Till then, keep up the great recovery and I'll be checking back for more updates.

    Aloha....Theresa Buckles

  10. Okay, I am ready to see you in another new outfit! LOL! Keep up the good work and hope to see you in a few days. Still so glad that you are able to be home and enjoy you life here again with all the people who love and care about you. My best to that Louie! He is a gem! ..love ya, Carolyn

  11. I don't know about the rest of you, but I really miss hearing how Donna is progressing. Can we get an update of some kind? I have a suspicion that she is doing very well, but would love hearing it. Thanks!!! Georgia
