Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Brief Update

I just wanted to let you all know that Donna continues to do well and is enjoying all the meals that everyone is providing.  Thank You, Thank You!  She looks fantastic as you can now tell by the picture. Yeah - Louie looks great too! She is sporting her fresh haircut. She saw the Dr. yesterday - mainly so that her regular Dr. is updated on all her health history.  She has already started Physical Therapy and will begin Speech Therapy next week.  She continues to move upward and onward! 

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Continuing to Recover

Just a quick note to let you all know that Donna is continuing to recover fantastically! She got her hair cut this morning and says she really "feels like a new woman"!  She is walking every day with Abby(the dog). Today she walked all the way to - and around the nearby park! Next week she has local Dr. appointments to set up consultants and future physical and speech therapy.  Those appointments should keep her busy and out of trouble! Visitors have managed to be staggered so that she can nap when she needs to.  Thank you all for your cooperation and consideration! 

Thank you to all that have brought a wide variety of fantastic foods, as well as those that have made commitments for future meals! It is so heartwarming to see the camaraderie of friends, co-workers and community members coming together in support of Donna and Louie.  I would also like to acknowledge and thank Lorrie Conley (graviollyx14@live.com) that is helping Deana Coburn coordinate meals.  

Also, in case you would like to send a card or something - Donna & Louie's address is: 
3342 South Stevenson
Visalia, CA  93277