Thursday, February 12, 2009

Donna's Birthday Party

We (mom, dad, Darlene and Joseph) arrived to find Donna and Louie already waiting for us in the dining room. So, we had to work fast - pass out the food, set up the gift table and let the ice cream cake thaw. We had the room to ourselves and Donna was delighted by it all. She had been opening presents all day long and now there were more. She sure was in fine form, loving being the center of attention. Louie had been with her all day and said she could definitely give Bill Cosby a run for his money, she was ON all day. Making jokes, cutting up, laughing a lot and making us laugh way too much! She ate a good dinner, polished off a big slice of cake and proceeded to ooooooh and aaaaaah over each gift. I think her favorite must have been the tennis shoes because when Louie invited her to "take a walk" she was ready to go. (Lately she has preferred sitting in the wheelchair so it was good to see her get up and take a little stroll !) Happy Birthday Donna !

She says - Thank you all for making my birthday so special. Thanks for all the cards, flowers, gifts and e-mails. Every one was so wonderful and made me feel so loved ! ! !

1 comment:

  1. WOW! What a great smile on your birthday pictures Donna! Chicken Salad and Ice Cream Cake almost like a staff lunch at OTP. Don't start running until you pack on a few pounds! I can show you how!!!
    Roger Brown and the CBI class students.
