Thursday, March 12, 2009

Home sweet home

Donna was finally released from the hospital yesterday afternoon around 4:30 p.m. She had spent most of the day waiting and pacing and stressing over WHEN she could leave so that by the time she finally arrived home she was exhausted! Meanwhile, mom had been making a special "welcome home" dinner so the house smelled wonderful and she relaxed completely, delighted to be free at last. After dinner she couldn't wait any longer to take a long, hot shower - the first in several weeks. (Don't get grossed out, she was getting sponge baths!) Later, "the man" arrived with the antibiotics and supplies so we all sat down and inspected everything. (Earlier in the day - Darlene, Donna's Dad and Donna had a lesson on how to administer the antibiotics so we were ready to get started.) It wasn't long before everyone was yawning and ready to end this momentous day so we all said goodnight and went to bed !

Actually, the antibiotics didn't start until 6:00 a.m. this morning. (Yikes, I am NOT a morning person!) We are working to get her on a better schedule of something more reasonable like 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. but it will take a little time. It's pretty cool the way the antibiotics are administered. There is a "thing" that looks like a translucent, yellowish, child type rubber ball, about the size you could easily hold in one hand. It has the antibiotics in it and it is pressurized. It's easy to snap the antibiotic line to the PICC line in her arm, wait about 45 minutes, disconnect and it's done. There's a little more to it than that, but not much. She can actually walk around, sit, eat, sleep or whatever she'd like while this is going on. It's really that simple and easy for everyone !

Update on her return date - the cardiac surgeon wants to see her one last time and the appointment has been scheduled for Tuesday, March 24th. The NEW plan is that Donna and Louie will fly home on Wednesday, March 25th. If it changes, I'll be sure to let you know.


  1. Wonderful news, and news we all have been hoping to hear!! Our prayer is that all continues to go smoothly and as planned. I can only imagine how wonderful it feels to be home. We should all be so lucky to have the love and support of a family like yours. Congratulations, Donna. You are an inspiration to us all. Susan Licking

  2. Our prayers have been answered. We will continue to pray for your recovery. Darlene and Family, you are truly God's angels. Donna is blessed to have all of you. We in CA look forward to having you HOME. Keep the Faith
    Mike and Glenda

  3. Donna: Wow! I am sure that first home shower was more than delightful. So glad you are with your folks. You are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family. Darlene has definitely been a shining star! We are so happy everything is progressing and you will be home soon. We will continue to pray for you all! Take care and keep on with the forward movement. Love, Tim, Linda & Cory

  4. A shower can be such a wonderful thing!! I am so excited and happy that you are feeling so much better. Our prayers have been answered and I can't wait to see you once you get home. We're all anxiously awaiting your arrival! Love to you!

  5. I am so glad you are finally out of the hostpital!! One step closer to home. You have been amazing through all this your strength is truly an inspiration. Enjoy your time being at you parents. I am excited that you will be home soon. A big thanks to Darlene for the great updates it makes you seem not as far away to know what is happening every day.
    See You Soon!!
    Love Michelle

  6. So very happy for you Donna that you are home safe with your parents. We'll be seeing you soon home here in Visalia and I'm so looking forward to it. Keep on your path back to us. Love, Penny.

  7. Hi Donna! We are eager to have you back in old Visalia, but know that you have been getting extra special care from your back East family. I look forward to spending time with you! See you soon, Susan
