Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's a great day

That's what Donna told me this morning - It's a GREAT day! This is because yesterday they removed the catheter and she can now get up and move around a bit. Well, to be honest, she can only walk to the bathroom (in her room) and back to the bed/chair but it's more than she's been able to do for quite a while. Last night we delivered her (sporty & new) walker that had been presented to her at the rehab facility, and she used it this morning with ease. So she's happy and smiling.

Today they were planning to remove the heart drain tube but they've just decided to delay it for a few more days. Now I know for a fact that her heart doctor is out of the country and won't return until Saturday. (Guess what, our next door neighbor is in the hospital too, just a few rooms away from Donna. He just had surgery and has the same doctor as Donna so we are keeping track of this doctor in more ways than one. Last night we got to do a "too-fer" - you know "two for one", two visits at the same place, at the same time, on the same floor.) Anyway, it seems they are being cautious and want to wait until the heart doctor returns. So, they just told Donna that she must wait until Sunday to see what happens next. This is not a set back, just a cautious way of proceeding. Like I just told her, better to be cautious now than to leave too early and have to come back.

More big news - Donna got to wash her hair today. It's the first REAL shampoo she's had in her hair weeks. They were using some sort of special cap that sort of cleans it, but it's not the same thing at all. Now she "feels like a natch-ur-al woman" !!!!!!!!! Soon Kylie (niece), Ethan (4) and Hannah (2) will arrive for a visit and they are bringing lunch. They've put Donna on a low fat diet (it has to do with that fluid that is draining) so they are bringing a special sandwich from Subway, Donna's request. A few minutes with the kiddo's should wear her out and I bet she'll take a nice nap this afternoon.


  1. Donna's in good company - first Barbara Bush & now Robin Williams!

    Ellen T. - Porterville

  2. So happy to hear about your great day Donna. You have a great attitude and are an inspiration! Keep on havin'great days.


  3. I think I have finally figured out how this blog works....or not.

    Donna, you amaze me. I have been faithfully checking in each day to see how you are doing, and to admire your strength. I'm glad to see they are finally getting to the bottom of 'what ails ya'. I'll keep praying, and checking on you. my best to Lou too !

    Candy in Charlotte, NC
